bumble bee.

The news erupted emotions I suppressed. I thought I was over him, but I wasn’t. I couldn’t believe the person I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with moved on with his… first. Failed situation after failed situation, I was truly over the thought of dating. And I was unsuccessful in finding someone on my own. My friend took my phone and downloaded Bumble as I wiped my tears.

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new apartment.

Thirty-one was off to an interesting start. I spent the entire day packing up the first apartment I moved into alone in three years. Box after box. Memory after memory. I did it; after barely wanting to get out of bed most days. I was finally able to reflect on 30 and be proud of the person I was becoming. I spent all of October looking for a new place and I settled on a complex that made the most sense for my budget, commute, and social life. It just so happened to be where my ex lived.

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