20/20 vision.

Celebrating 2020 in Houston was a much needed end to 2019. After an absolute whirlwind of moving apartments, having sex in a backseat with a preacher, and battling an ex over Instagram, 2020 started a clean slate. Cutting out magazines for my vision board, I was shook that marriage, homeownership, and children finally crossed my mind. At 32, my life was a complete 180° than what I previously envisioned for myself. But, in a good way.

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ex factor.

Starting to process how I felt since launching the blog, I finally settled after traveling from Washington DC and Norfolk, VA. Overwhelmed, I felt caught in a continuous loop that I desperately wanted to end.

Hearing from Ring Pop® Guy was expected, but receiving messages from my ex’s friends and nonstop subbing from him on Instagram was something I had not anticipated.

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new apartment.

Thirty-one was off to an interesting start. I spent the entire day packing up the first apartment I moved into alone in three years. Box after box. Memory after memory. I did it; after barely wanting to get out of bed most days. I was finally able to reflect on 30 and be proud of the person I was becoming. I spent all of October looking for a new place and I settled on a complex that made the most sense for my budget, commute, and social life. It just so happened to be where my ex lived.

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