bumble bee.

My friends consoled me as I sat in Zama Mexican Cuisine, crying, after finding out the news.

My ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend was someone I knew and had been part of our lives.

The news erupted emotions I suppressed. I thought I was over him, but I wasn’t. I couldn’t believe the person I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with moved on with his… first. 

Failed situation after failed situation, I was truly over the thought of dating. And I was unsuccessful in finding someone on my own.

My friend took my phone and downloaded Bumble as I wiped my tears.

“You need to get up on some hoes, man!”

He told me that dating apps were great for moving on and I should highly consider it..

A woman in the booth behind us overheard our conversation and proclaimed that she was currently waiting for her Bumble date to arrive.

“I love it!”

She said.

“You meet people and you get to control the conversation. It’s super low impact; I just left a work event and decided to meet up for drinks with this guy. I just hope he looks like his pictures!”

What are you doing, God?

We told her to give us a sign if the date was going well or not.

As the app finished downloading, I started picking out pictures for my profile. Feeling a bit insecure, I wasn’t confident in my selections.

Am I even pretty enough for this?

I’m not even fun.

I am boring AF.

My friends picked my profile picture and I officially began my dating app journey.

As I swiped and cried, I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that this was my reality. I would have never guessed I would be on a dating app; swiping right on men I didn’t even know.

The woman ends up giving us a sideways thumbs-up; indicating that the date was going so-so. Her date went to the restroom and we asked how it was going.

“Eh, it’s OK. I’m probably never going to see him again after this.”

We laughed, gave her well-wishes, and told her to make the best of it.

After swiping for a few minutes, I ended up matching with a good number of guys. I was conflicted about truly being ready to date or only dating because my ex had moved on.

After dinner, my friend encouraged me and said what God puts me through, is always for my good; it’s always for my betterment.

That message changed my perspective and allowed me to be open to what the future had in store. 

I went home, chatted with a few guys, but I was lost. How does one even spark a conversation with a stranger?

My friends helped me with a witty, opening question: “ Ranch or Bleu cheese?”

As expected, men love wings enough to be intrigued and respond. 

A few days passed and I decided to take Bumble more seriously by crafting an excellent bio for myself:

I’m funny AF. Sarcasm is my love language. Friday Night Lights x J Cole is my favorite mixtape. Whiskey and ginger beer is my preferred beverage. Thai and tacos are my go-tos. But enough about me; tell me more about you.

Between my opening line, J Cole, and whiskey, the men loved me.

After a week, the conversations either fell flat or were boring. Between swiping through hundreds of weak selfies and terrible bios, I was ready to quit.




It was him; the guy who put his Ring Pop® in my champagne.

Looking fine.


I sent him a text and we chatted for a few minutes, then silence. I knew if I was really going to move on, I needed to get over our situation and date other people; like he was.




I came across a guy who, according to his bio, was; 29, funny, a financial advisor, and a HBCU graduate.


Graduated the same year and university as him.

I thought nothing of it and decided to move forward with the conversation.

His bio had Two Truths and a Lie. It read, “I don’t eat sushi. I don’t wear jeans. I pour milk in the cereal bowl first before adding cereal.”

I messaged him because I was genuinely interested in what the truth was.

Me: You pour milk into the bowl before cereal?!

Him: Just to be clear, that’s what you are guessing is a lie?

Me: I unfortunately think that one is the truth :/ lmao

Him: The “I don’t wear jeans” is a fact about me… But you are right, it is true that I pour the milk in first lol

Me: WAIT. so not only do you pour milk in the bowl first, you don’t wear jeans? lol I want to be clear.

Him: Correct lol

Me: So what do you wear? Idk what I got myself into with you lol

Him: Pants? lol Technically I do own a jean jacket. But mainly chinos, slacks or corduroys when I’m not at work… suit pants at work.

Me: What did jeans do to you?

Him: It’s a comfort thing. Is a lack of jeans a deal breaker? lol

Me: Not at all lmao I’m just intrigued. The jean jacket counts for something. I’ll give you that! lol

Him: I’ll be sure to wear it when we go grab drinks lol

Me: Sounds like a deal lol


He was into red wine, bad jokes, and Jenga.

After a few days, we decided to officially meet up for drinks.

I was terrified.

I bought a new outfit because I figured he would be a bit more dressy since he didn’t wear jeans. I picked one of my favorite restaurants, Bon Ton, for our first date because he was new to Atlanta; and I at least wanted to go to a place I liked in case the date turned out to be awful.

I was sweating as I made my way to the restaurant.

He texted me that he just got out of his Uber as I parked. 

I walked inside, gave him a hug, and shook the host’s hand.

I was a wreck.

We sat down and he ordered us glasses of wine. I gulped the first glass and he ordered me another.

The tipsiness wore the nervousness off, but the alcohol led the night to a game I never thought I would play on a first date.