dream deferred.

Daydreaming about his smile and slightly embarrassed about caressing his beard in the club, I was in a place of complete confusion.

After finally having a genuine connection with someone, I inched further and further away from the thought of being on dating apps. Because my last Bumble experience was a joke, I yearned for something real.

And with someone who didn’t have a girlfriend. 

I had two weeks before I started my new job and planned on acting a complete fool.

My family planned a trip to New York to celebrate my dad’s 60th birthday, so I had the bright idea to continue my adventure to Washington DC. It would allow me time with my best friends, hang out with my sister, and maybe get into some things with the beard from the club.

I knew this wasn’t heading anywhere and yet, I was making plans in my mind to maybe be available to see if he’d be interested in drinks. 

Or something.

Needless to say, I was willing to take it there if he was.

Flight booked.

Since I had ample time on my hands, I decided to also download Hinge. Being bored led me to see if it was possible to create another connection with someone local.

After downloading the app and choosing my top six photos, off to the races.

Though Hinge and Bumble have the same premise, the men on Hinge came off strong.

“Hey beautiful!”

“So gorgeous.”

“Would love to take you out sometime.”

Gone were the days of asking someone if they preferred ranch or bleu cheese. 

I accepted a match from a guy who seemed interesting and normal enough.

28. Loved Korean BBQ. Had a job. Beardless.

We began chatting and quickly realized we had the same birthday. We ended up talking on the phone a few days later and overall, the conversation went well.

He seemed extremely young and liked the fact that I was older and stable. He claimed his ex girlfriend was young and he wanted someone with their own money and career.

I knew then this would end up nowhere, but agreed to meet him at Char Korean Bar & Grill the weekend before I headed to New York.

Saturday rolled around and I arrived at Char before he did. I snagged an outdoor table and the waiter offered me a glass of water. 

My date walks in, 20 minutes late, and I am immediately annoyed. Though I knew he was young, he seemed immature and I was already over it.

Him: I just want to say before I sit down, you look amazing!

Me: Yeah, thanks. 


Thoughts of massaging beards crossed my mind. 

Trying to stay engaged, he ordered our food and drinks because he was a regular and I let him lead the way.

Over sizzling short ribs and vegetable dumplings, we discussed his love for anime and his new Instant Pot®. 

After dinner, we strolled the Beltline and he grabbed my hand to hold. 

In total shock, I begrudgingly let him since I knew this would be the last time I’d ever see him.

Enjoy, love.

He walked me to my car, we hugged, and he asked me on a second date. I told him I would have to look at my schedule and get back to him later in the week.

I drove home, packed, and thought about deleting Hinge.

What am I even doing?

What is the point?

Why do I even bother?

He called the next day and I ignored him. Instead, I texted him to thank him for the date and explained that I wasn’t interested.

I blocked his number, rolled my eyes, and realized my dating app days were coming to an end.

Two days later, I went to New York and spent the weekend with family. I texted my friends to set up plans for when I landed in DC. 

To not seem pressed, I didn’t hit the guy from Tiki Tango up to see if he was going to be in town or see if he was free. We followed each other on social media and figured if he saw I was in town, he would follow through.

After landing in Baltimore, I immediately traveled to the city and posted on Instagram. Like clockwork, I get a text from him.

Him: How long are you here for?

Me: Just a few days.

Him: I was just in the city but am heading back to VA now. Where are you staying?

I was staying with my friend in Rockville, MD. 


He sent a few more texts then declared I was too far and that we could link the next day.

Because I knew he had a girlfriend and I was staying a solid 45 minutes away, I didn’t press the issue and enjoyed a night out on U Street.

Throughout the weekend, we communicated but it ultimately led to nothing. He claimed he was too busy with work; but, said he’s always in Atlanta and we would eventually link.

Slightly disappointed, I quickly realized I was putting too much pressure on a situation that was meaningless. 

I flew back to Atlanta the next evening, deleted Hinge, and purchased the domain for trulyyoursjasmine.com. 

It was time to pen my experiences and have a healthier outlet to tackle loneliness that didn’t involve dating someone to fill that void. 

A month later I launched truly yours.

After the blog launched, I decided to celebrate the beginning of homecoming season back in DC and hoped to run into the guy who inspired it all; with just a Ring Pop®  and glass of champagne.